Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bookmark Free Reverse Phone Directories

Free reverse phone directories are handy every time we need to search for numbers that are not registered in our phone books. We resort to using these directories to satisfy our curiosity of determining the people behind the anonymous calls. Although not as reliable as the paid service, free directories of reverse phone number searching prove to be more accessible because you do not need to prepare your credit card or any other payment method for the service you are going to use.

One way of making your search of free reverse phone directories faster is to bookmark them. When we say bookmark, it means we create some sort of shortcut for faster access to a certain website. This way, when the said website is accessed again, you will no longer need to type in the URL. There is more than one way of bookmarking websites. One way is by accessing your Favorites menu of your browser. Menus are usually defaulted on top of the browser page, so you will see the Favorite menu somewhere on top. The moment you find the Favorites menu, drop it down or click it to show what is inside the Favorites menu. Click "Add to Favorites" and save the website by typing its name and choosing which folder you would want the website to be stored.

Another way of bookmarking free reverse phone directories is by clicking the Favorites icon. Just like the Favorites menu, the Favorites icon is also situated on top of the browser page just above the space where you type in URLs and just below the menus of your browser. After clicking the Favorites icon, it will create a little division to the left of your browser's page and it will show a little directory of folders where you can store the website. The manner in saving the website is just like the procedure that you do when saving using the Favorites menu, you name the bookmark then you select a folder where to save the website.

As soon as you are done bookmarking directories of free reverse search of phone numbers, all you need to do, should you access these sites in the future, is just go to your Favorites. It does not matter if you go to the Favorites menu or Favorites icon because it takes you to the same path anyway. Once you are there, you can then click your bookmark. And in just seconds, it will take you to your saved free reverse phone directories.


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